


When it comes to modeling and sculpting, MODO 901’s renowned toolset just got better. Now a fully integrated feature included in MODO 901, MeshFusion takes away the challenge of complex and frustrating Boolean operations, making it easier to consistently produce high-quality models. Add to that topological symmetry, layered multi-resolution sculpting, new Slice and Cap options, Quad Fill, Linear and Radial Align, Multi-slice and more, and polygon modeling is faster, easier and more efficient than ever.

Create Something EASILY: UI and Viewport Enhancements
Create Something FASTER: Advanced GL Viewport
Create Something BEAUTIFUL: Physically Based Materials & Rendering
Create Something EASILY: Extended Dynamics and Effects
Create Something BIG: More Flexible Rigging
Create Something BIG: Complexity Management
Create Something BIG: Easier Pipeline Integration
Create Something BEAUTIFUL: Vector-Based Graphics Support

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